
American INSIGHT Online Internships

American INSIGHT’s Internship Program provides college-age students with unparalleled opportunities to improve their skills and develop their resumes.

During 2023-24, Interns will test our new online course, Make History Every Day!, get published on our Free Speech Blog and Free Speech Spotlight Blog, judge films for our annual Free Speech Film Festival, and are encouraged to apply for academic credit from their universities.

American INSIGHT Interns must be passionate about the use of media for educational purposes, knowledgeable about history, and seriously committed to maintaining high standards of excellence.

American INSIGHT Interns

Staffed by university Interns, all of American INSIGHT projects have been created and developed to showcase their emerging talents. Over the years, American INSIGHT has provided educational opportunities to over 75 interns from the following colleges and universities:

Art Institute of Philadelphia
Bennington College
Carlton College

Carnegie Mellon University
Clarion College

College of New Jersey
Drexel University

Emerson College

Georgetown University
George Washington University
Haverford College
LaSalle University
Seri pps College
St. Joseph University
St. Lawrence College
Syracuse University
Temple University
Tish School of the Arts
New York University

Trinity College
Tufts University
Tulane University
University of Kansas
University of Pennsylvania
University of the Arts Villanova
University Wellesley College

Intern Testimonials

“What drew me to American INSIGHT was their beliefs. I knew exactly what they stood for and I knew that it aligned with my own beliefs. Working here, I learned how powerful free speech really is. If you believe in something, you have to stand up for it. This applies when speaking with a group of strangers as well as with your jobs and tasks. Here, I wasn’t pushed off to the side. I helped make an impact.”

—Chynna Williams, Temple

“I applied to intern for American INSIGHT after recognizing their similar awareness and appreciation for justice and freedom of speech across the world. I have also recognized a similar sense of activism in the heroes and archives that American INSIGHT promotes as a part of their mission. Being a young activist is necessary because the issues facing the country today are the youths responsibility to troubleshoot. This position has constantly inspired me again and again to trust my beliefs, to act upon them, and furthermore, to continuously educate myself and remain openminded. I am more than grateful for this experience.”

—India Cabot, Tufts University

“As a Social Media Intern with American INSIGHT this summer, I had the opportunity to be part of the inaugural Communications Lab. This has involved working with my fellow interns to create content for American INSIGHT’s various social media accounts. While, like many college students my age, I have plenty of experience using social media for my personal use, it has been a unique experience to post on behalf of a non-profit organization.”

—Corinne Mitchner, Scripts University

“American INSIGHT attracted me right away when looking at potential internships. All of their beliefs and missions felt incredibly right to me. This job gave me an outlet to not only express myself creatively but also to better understand the power of free speech. I was able to learn from professionals of all ages and gain real experience.”

—Grace Rittenhouse, George Washington University

“How can we preserve the history of human rights while also including the faces and voices of American today? My constant and extensive research allowed me to learn an endless amount of information, both about the history of human rights and the preservation of (and often lack of) that history for future generations. I learned that there are so few organizations and people out there doing the work that American INSIGHT does to preserve American’s history… It made my respect for American INSIGHT and the important work it is doing grow even deeper, because preservation is not an easy task.

American INSIGHT has a clear mission: to promote knowledge of Free Speech, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law by building awareness and facilitating the speaking out against injustice. When I first encountered the organization’s website, I was immediately struck by the simplicity yet impactful meaning inherent in the objectives. I figured that this simplicity in its mission must also translate to the simplicity in promoting this knowledge and preserving this history. However, while working here, I learned how difficult it can be to tell the many narratives of America and have people listen and be receptive to them.

My experience with American INSIGHT has deepened my appreciation for the organization’s dedication to historical preservation and the education of topics and issues that will forever continue to impact our lives. One expectation that has not changed is my belief that American INSIGHT has huge potential to take up a large amount of mindshare in people who care about free speech issues and truly impact how we both look at history and apply it to the future. I have learned an unprecedented amount about the nation’s history, the people who have paved the way for our rights and freedoms, the injustices that still occur today, and the way that I would like to be part of the conversation moving forward. I am extremely grateful for my experience working with American INSIGHT.”

Rachel Dansky, Georgetown University

“Nearly 2 months into my internship at AmericanINSIGHT, I want to thank you for all the learning opportunities you have already presented me with. Attending board meetings, allowing my voice to be heard, working closely with other Interns, being tasked with interviewing filmmakers, writing articles, preparing social media posts – when I reflect on the opportunities you have presented me versus the lack of opportunities being presented to me (at my other Internship,) it makes me thankful that I became involved in your organization … These are all real and valuable experiences that are making me grow as a person and as a professional.”

Gregory Lepore, College of New Jersey

“When I think about everything that I have learned over the past several weeks of my internship, it is so much more than I expected. My goal was to gain skills in social media marketing and aid in maintaining American INSIGHT’s many profiles. The organization’s confidence in my abilities enabled me to dive right in, and gave me the opportunity to share news and information while interacting with users of the various social media communities. Through the various news articles, images and videos that I encountered in the process of my work, I also realized that I was learning things about the First Amendment that I had never considered or learned in school. This internship has not only provided me with the opportunity to gain skills that i can use in my future career, it has led me to think more actively about our right to freedom of speech and its place in modern society. I believe my time at American INSIGHT has not just made me a better intern, but it has made me a better citizen as well.”

Kristi Szczesny, Emerson College

“Preparing for the Free Speech Film Festival these past few months has been quite an adventure, to say the least. However, through the struggles and the sacrifices I have learned so much about working in the real world. As a Web Designer, I was able to fully revamp and expand the reach of American INSIGHT’s web presence. This accomplishment has filled me with pride, and will provide strong roots for my future, as I continue my career. As a person, I have evolved to adapt to the many different kinds of people I may encounter in my life. And finally, as an Artist, I can take all the skills I have learned to truly blossom. I could not have come so far without the support of this amazing organization.”

Wally Zielinski, Art Institute of Philadelphia

“Working as a festival intern at AmericanINSIGHT was a unique experience. The flexibility and small working place provided me with a canvas for my interests and research skills. I was able to build a modern and creative website dedicated to Sojourner Truth and Black feminism. Allowing me to contribute to American INSIGHT’s Free Speech Storyline while having something take away from this unique opportunity. AmericanINSIGHT welcomed, encouraged, and valued my ideas and perspectives, which made the experience even better.”

Kaycee Osadolor, Drexel University

“My work at American INSIGHT helped me see how the skills I was learning at Drexel in my Master of Library and Information Science program could be applied to a working environment. I researched information that was used for both advertisements for the Free Speech Film Festival and a project centered on colonial lawyer Andrew Hamilton, most famous for his pro bono defense in the John Peter Zenger Libel Case of 1735. I was also learning other important aspects of working in a real world setting such as using social media to advertise our film festival, the needs of how to organize and store data on computers in a more non-individualized fashion to save time and effort, and taking research and using it effectively in other areas outside of pure academic use. Interning at American INSIGHT was rewarding and taught me many lessons that I know I will be using in the future.”

Dayton Charles Cooper IV, Drexel University

“Working at American INSIGHT for the summer has helped me make great progress in my personal abilities. I have been given the chance to start a major project from start to finish, within a certain time frame. I was able to take what I learned from school, and apply it to what I was doing at American INSIGHT. Now, I will be taking the things I have learned during my internship such as shooting in the field, time management and editing under a time limit; and applying them to any jobs I will have in the future. American INSIGHT has helped me grow as a videographer, and as a person.”

Steven Bogda, The Art Institute of Philadelphia

“The collective, collaborative environment at American INSIGHT is rare and important for young people with limited career experience. I would recommend this job based largely on that dynamic and the emphasis on creativity and inspiration.”

Angelina Conti, Haverford College

“Although I only came to American INSIGHT for a summer internship,I ended up staying for an entire year because I learned so much more than I expected to learn from a typical internship. The office was open and hands on, my superiors listened to and took into consideration my opinions, and the experience that I gained in the past year proved immeasurable. In addition to learning the daily life of an office, I gained experience in film festival submission, public relation duties, rights and reproductions work with local and national museums, creating documentary credits, expanding American INSIGHT’s Internship Program, and independent distribution.”

Jennifer Gilbert, Villanova University

“I have thoroughly enjoyed working at American INSIGHT and know I have learned much through the experience. I worked primarily on research for an upcoming documentary, A Sacred Challenge. My job was to research and compile information pertaining to William Penn, while another intern focused on Violet Oakley… By working at American INSIGHT, I was able to learn about nonprofit organizations, business, presentations of an idea and even about filmmaking.”

Victoria Winterhalter, Villanova University

“Inspiring artist Jean-Michel Basquiat once said, “I know one day I’ll turn the corner, and I won’t be ready for it.” His profound statement certainly could be applied to my experience with American Insight. If you want something more than getting coffee, answering phones, and wrapping AV chords, I recommend this experience to you. This job has boosted my spirit, my rolodex, and my resume.”

Jake Paine, Drexel University

“I came to American INSIGHT when Arthur B. Carles: Philadelphia Artist was being edited, and I was responsible for organizing the legal paperwork to finish editing the film… At American INSIGHT I found something I enjoyed doing. In the fall, I will start law school and specialize in copyright law.”

Patricia Perez, Villanova University

“At American INSIGHT, the world of filmmaking and historical documentaries becomes reality rather than the theory espoused by my professors in my film classes. In school, I never get to learn about the business side of film production, which just as important as the artistic side. In order to achieve my current aspiration to be a filmmaker, I need to know the invaluable business and fundraising skills that I learned at American INSIGHT.”

Molly Wasser, Wellesley College

“At American INSIGHT I was able to develop my fundraising skills; specifically, I researched the online Foundation Center Directory and compiled a database of local and national foundations that would be good candidates for providing support… My involvement in American INSIGHT gave me valuable marketable skills and experience and I now have the confidence to take my first steps into the career world.”

Colleen Gillon, Villanova University

“At American INSIGHT I have acquired knowledge of the nonprofit sector, film production, and office management and developed the abilities to multitask and work under deadline. Additionally, because of American INSIGHT’s small size, I feel I have been able to have significant input at a higher level than I would in a larger organization.”

Carla Gentile, Villanova University