Mural of William Penn in the Governor’s Reception Room, PA State Capitol Building by artist Violet Oakley, 1906.

Who We Are

American INSIGHT's mission is to promote the history and values of Free Speech, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law by empowering students to discuss how these values are expressed in societies around the world through discussing our Free Speech Film Festival Award-winning films.

What We Do

We provide students with a multimedia deep-dive through history to connect them with our latest FREE SPEECH FILMS™.

Why We Do It

American INSIGHT - Gain Agency


  • Unite Free Speech filmmakers, students, audiences
  • Showcase Award-winning Free Speech Directors
  • Invest in the future of global Free Speech


  • Investigate the history + values of Free Speech in America
  • Share these values through Free Speech Films, blog posts, social media
  • Build consensus on what Free Speech accountability means

American INSIGHT has created an integrative online course, Make History Everyday! for use by individuals, institutions, libraries and schools. As students discuss the Rule of Law from the Magna Carta to the Free Speech Film Festival’s next Free Speech Award-winning film, they gain confidence and self-worth. We provide a number of pricing options to meet various needs, and look forward to discussing them with you.

Consular Corps Association Philadelphia

Member, The Consular Corps Association of Philadelphia (CCAP) is the oldest consular organization in the country and today our 81 Members represent countries from around the world.

ennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO)

As a member of the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO), American INSIGHT has committed to the Guiding Principles of the Standards for Excellence: an ethics and accountability code for the nonprofit sector. American INSIGHT pledges to uphold the fundamental values of honesty, integrity, fairness, respect, trust, responsibility and accountability upon which the Standards are based.

American INSIGHT is grateful to IBM for its leadership role in helping nonprofit organizations to amplify their reach, increase their impact, and create lasting change in their communities through its global website development program, 48in48.